Small Church

What Do I Do When My Church Stops Growing?

When your growth stagnates, it's often an opportunity to discover new things about yourself and your church.

The Danger of Confusing Tactics and Strategy in Leadership

Many a church leader has confused tactics with strategy to their church's detriment.

Leading Through Change Without Losing Your Soul

"Three words best describe how I’ve often felt in the midst of leading change: Alone, frustrated and defeated."

3 Ways to Create a Welcoming Environment for Visitors

How do you welcome people who feel like outsiders?

8 Reasons Why People Aren’t Coming Back After Christmas

Guest experience pitfalls: It's about the details ...

5 Questions Every Church Must Ask

For our churches to have a future, we must be willing to ask ourselves these foundational questions.

Does God Want Your Church to Get Bigger?

As you welcome the new members and celebrate the changes, do not neglect the longtime leaders who have served this church in good times and bad. The first defections from a growing church are often people who have served for years but who now feel they are being pushed out.

What God Did in a Small Church, in a Small Town

You must hear what God has done in that church in that small town.

5 Cultural Trends Driving the Growth of Microchurches

The decentralized approach of microchurches allows the gospel to be heard and seen in tangible ways for different cultural subgroups.

Leading Local: What Life Is Like Serving Smaller Congregations

“What we have in our hands is enough for what God has called us to do. And if God wants us to do more, then he will put more in our hands.”—Aaron Tinch

More than Friendliness — How Smaller Churches Can Get It Right

Many churches believe they are friendly, but too few demonstrate hospitality. The problem is friendliness is often directed internally. Members are kind and pleasant with each other and overlook guests.