Small Church

What Do I Do When My Church Stops Growing?

When your growth stagnates, it's often an opportunity to discover new things about yourself and your church.

The Danger of Confusing Tactics and Strategy in Leadership

Many a church leader has confused tactics with strategy to their church's detriment.

Leading Through Change Without Losing Your Soul

"Three words best describe how I’ve often felt in the midst of leading change: Alone, frustrated and defeated."

Renewal Inside and Out

The church has helped firefighters provide free smoke detectors to the community, built ramps to make buildings more accessible, provided meals to seniors, and spent “Serve Sundays” picking up trash around town.

Sewing and Reaching

The women involved in Loose Threads make pillows for kids being adopted, tote bags and clothing for children in foster care, and bibs for intellectually disabled people living in a local long-term care facility.

Resourcing the Smaller Church

We believe in the smaller churches. We will partner with local churches. We believe in the leaders of smaller churches.

Beauty in Small Places

Great Things Are Happening Across the Country in Churches of All Sizes

The Importance of Small-Town Ministry

A recent Small Town Summits event at Gordon Conwell indicates that small town ministry is alive and well.

What Changes When Your Attendance Breaks 200?

Pastoring a church of 250 is significantly different than pastoring a church of 75.

Going Beyond Cosmetic Changes

A new church sign is not going to reverse the decline in attendance.

Small But Mighty

After seeing the toll the pandemic had taken on medical workers, he wished his own church could replicate the outreach, but they didn’t have the resources to take it on alone.