
Missing Half the Gospel

Something essential is missing from the way we typically share the gospel.

5 Gold Mines of Sermon Illustrations

Illustrations also help the listener to understand your points, especially the more abstract or theological ones.

Speaking the Truth in Love (Even When It’s Awkward)

Speaking the truth will often cost you something, but it will cost you more if you don’t.

5 Temptations Leaders Face in Times of Crisis

Do you recognize any of these in yourself or your team?

3 Reflections As You Head Home on Sunday

This week, when you drive away from the same place at the same time that you always do, don’t just drive away. And don’t settle for “fine.” Take a few minutes and ask yourself some questions.

Bryan C. Loritts: Overcoming Ethnic Disunity

The church started out multiethnic. The apostle Paul didn’t start two separate churches, one for the Jews and one for the Gentiles.

5 Qualities Servant Leaders Should Strive to Embody

What a leader should look like according to the Bible

What Do I Do When My Church Stops Growing?

When your growth stagnates, it's often an opportunity to discover new things about yourself and your church.

What’s Missing When You Share the Gospel?

I have the entirety of God’s Word in my language and in my hands, and I can open any copy freely without threat to my life. I’m privileged to have God’s Word, to be able to read God’s Word, and to proclaim God’s Word.

10 Suggestions for Bridging Racial Divides

The racial reckoning that’s been happening across the country has been critically important, but if we let it wane, it will be for nothing.

Learning From Failure or Launching a Rescue?

If the failure is going to derail the progress of everyone on the team, or the recovery is going to be greater than the teaching experience, I’m likely to rescue them.