Conferences and Events

ECAP Launches Safeguard 4 Kids Initiative

ECAP seeks to help ministries grow in their ability to equip children to be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.

Mosaix Institute Hosts Church Economics Summit

Trained in theology and pastoral ministry, few church leaders understand the economics of churches, and fewer can navigate the increasingly complex financial issues facing a 21st-century pastor.

John Dickson: The Power of Persuasion in a Post-Christian Nation

Speak to the culture like you're in Athens, not in Jerusalem, and expect to be scoffed at and smile sweetly back, and expect some to give us another hearing, and others to believe.

Hannah Stolze: Loving Your Neighbor Through Your Business

We have a really unique opportunity in workspaces to demonstrate the love of God, invite conversation, build relationship and really be strategic in terms of how we reach the lost and how we demonstrate God's love for all of creation and show up in ways that reflect that.

Free Virtual Church Mental Health Summit

By attending the Church Mental Health Summit, participants will be equipped with practical tools, engage with biblically based resources, and learn research-developed strategies to support mental health. 

Rebecca McLaughlin: No Greater Love

If we are going to present a compelling alternative to non-Christian sexual ethics today, we need to recover a New Testament understanding of brotherly and sisterly love. Everywhere I go, I meet brothers and sisters in Christ who are trusting that Jesus’ love is better than any human love, leaving same-sex sexual relationships to follow Jesus. If someone leaves a gay relationship to enter the church, they should find more love and not less.

Philip Ryken: Defining and Proclaiming Our Shared Gospel Message

Good things happen when we get a grasp of the gospel, that the crucified Christ is also the risen Lord. In our newfound reason to unite, the instinct to separate falls away, social media is transformed from platforms that are destructive into opportunities for gospel witness, and we begin to love people well enough to tell them the good news of Jesus, even as our own fears are cast out (1 John 4:18).

John Dickson: Losing Well With Cheerful Confidence

Losses tend to turn out to be wins in disguise. Remember, we are the death and resurrection people. The gospel calls us to a cheerful confidence to jump into the fray, and to a cheerful humility to lose well (if we must), knowing that the Father can take painful losses and raise them up to be gospel wins.

Sam Chan: Is Christianity in Crisis?

Secularism has said that if we had more education, more science and better government, we’d have a good life. But the COVID pandemic showed us that science alone wasn’t enough to guarantee a good life. The War in Ukraine has shown us that education and good government aren’t enough either. As Sayers says, “It’s as if the tide of the gospel has gone so far out that the sheer weight of the gospel is going to come rushing back in.” This is not a threat to the gospel, but an opportunity. There is a vacuum out there that longs to be filled.

John K. Jenkins Sr.: The Apostle Paul’s Secret to Preaching

“On the next Sabbath almost the whole city came together to hear the word of God” (Acts 13:44). Everybody showed up: all the seniors, all the young people, regardless of color and background. Almost the whole city came to hear Paul preach. And what did he say? What was Paul’s secret?

The Conference on Gen Z, Mental Health, & Religion

You will learn from members of Gen Z themselves and then apply the research in break-out room conversations cohosted by organizations in your faith tradition, empowering you to turn the tide for young people everywhere.