21st Annual Outreach Resources of the Year

The Outreach Resources of the Year honors the past year’s best books that emphasize outreach-oriented ideas.

Last fall we invited publishers and authors to submit resources that released between Nov. 1, 2022, and Oct. 31, 2023. The Outreach magazine editorial team then placed the qualifying titles into 13 key categories for review by expert panelists in each field. After thoughtful consideration, they selected one or more entries as an Outreach Resource of the Year and spotlighted some titles as “Also Recommended.”

In this section you will discover valuable tools that belong on your bookshelf. You will reach for them time and again as they enhance your effectiveness in ministry through the years.                                                                      


Evaluated by Andrew MacDonald, associate director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Research Institute.


The Augustine Way: Retrieving a Vision for the Church’s Apologetic Witness by Joshua D. Chatraw and Mark D. Allen (Baker Academic)

Chatraw and Allen break new ground in apologetics by looking back in The Augustine Way. Both authors apply recent work on theological retrieval to the field of apologetics, using Augustine’s writings amid societal upheaval to shed light on our own culture. This unique work offers an innovative approach to apologetics, deploying the historic Christian faith to answer familiar questions and fears. The result is a robust analysis of our current cultural moment with a confidence rooted in our past.


Humble Confidence: A Model for Interfaith Apologetics by Benno van den Toren and Kang-San Tan (IVP Academic)

Pastors and leaders looking for help in engaging across faiths would do well to read Humble Confidence. But this book goes beyond that purpose—it is a valuable resource for understanding religious pluralism as it relates to contextualizing our witness.



Evaluated by R. York Moore, CEO and president of the Coalition for Christian Outreach; co-founder of the EveryCampus movement; and co-author of Seen. Known. Loved.


Evangelism: For the Care of Souls by Sean McGever (Lexham Press)

McGever points us back to the motive for evangelism—the love of God—and then invites us to practice caring for others through evangelism that is powered by that love.

Too often, personal evangelism books overemphasize the care for people at the expense of what McGever refers to as “patient urgency”—an urgency that recognizes the lostness of people and the absolute necessity of Christian witness in their lives to point them to God’s solution of Jesus Christ. This balanced, convicting book, however, reenergizes readers toward authentically walking with those around them with passion and pastoral care.

9780310141938The Gospel Invitation: Why Publicly Inviting People to Receive Christ Still Matters by O.S. Hawkins and Matt Queen (Thomas Nelson)

Far too often, the church and even leaders in the church diminish the need for public proclamation and question the legitimacy of its impact, but in The Gospel Invitation, we are reminded of God’s promises and power to work through the public declaration of the gospel.

The authors masterfully provide details on how to plan, prepare and extend a public invitation to Christ. Hawkins and Queen remind us not only of the biblical mandate to publicly invite people to Jesus, but also of the contemporary relevance of doing so.

This book is a must-read for any and all who stand at the pulpit or simply want to witness the power of God in a demonstrative way through the proclamation of the gospel.



Evaluated by Knute Larson, pastoral coach; founder of Adult Bible Fellowships; and former pastor of The Chapel in Akron, Ohio.


9780310145875The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back? by Jim Davis and Michael Graham with Ryan P. Burge (Zondervan)

While too many people have waved goodbye to the church in recent years; this book brings to light research-based reasons as to why they left. But The Great Dechurching goes a step further by detailing excellent pastoral opportunities to bring them back.

The graphs throughout the book showing why attendees quit offer very good warnings to today’s church. The chapters on engaging the unchurched and lessons for the church will cause any serious believer or church leader to rethink their strategy. This carefully researched study and the accompanying suggestions should help close the back doors of many churches.

9780310142966Hybrid Church: Rethinking the Church for a Post-Christian Digital Age by James Emery White (Zondervan Reflective)

Post-pandemic, many churches wondered when all the people were going to return. The truth was and is that church leaders need a hybrid strategy to reach those in the pews and those watching online.

While the use of communication techniques is prominent in this book—the reason to use a church app alone is convincing—this pastor’s warnings about the “limited gospel” instead of the whole Christian manner of caring like Jesus did is as strong as can be. The extra thoughts about being missional with the digital are practical and doable. And the five challenges that close this excellent how-to book should be embraced by every church leader.


Planting by Pastoring: A Vision for Starting a Healthy Church by Nathan Knight (Crossway)

This specialty study not only is great for leaders who start churches from scratch, but it also is a wonderful challenge for every person who seeks to walk with Christ.



Evaluated by Robert Gallagher, professor of intercultural studies emeritus at Wheaton College Graduate School and affiliate professor of intercultural studies at Fuller Theological Seminary.


The Great Story and the Great Commission: Participating in the Biblical Drama of Mission by Christopher J.H. Wright (Baker Academic)

Wright explains the breadth of God’s mission to the world using the whole Bible, and holistically challenges the Lord’s global people to make his story our story by our participation in the seven-act drama of Scripture. Wright helps integrate our missional life with the purposes of God in the narrative biblical drama by centering our witness around the kingdom of God and the lordship of Christ through the Great Commission and the five marks of mission: evangelism, teaching, compassion, justice and responsible use and care of creation.



Evaluated by Bobby Harrington, point leader of Discipleship.org and Renew.org.


Don’t Hold Back: Leaving Behind the American Gospel to Follow Jesus Fully by David Platt (Multnomah)

I loved this book because it focuses on what it really means to be a disciple of Jesus. Platt’s exposition makes it really clear that surrendering to the kingship of Jesus means truly and authentically following him by following Scripture. He shows how the teachings of Jesus are independent of American political debates—on some things Jesus’ teachings align more with the concerns of one side, and on other things, Jesus’ teachings align more with the other.

9780310155201Intentional: Living Out the Eight Principles of Disciple Making by Brandon Guindon (Zondervan Reflective)

Intentional is the most practical book published in 2023 on what it takes to make disciples. Guindon is a highly experienced church leader who has served at all levels of church leadership, so he understands that intentionality is the key mindset in making disciples as Jesus teaches.




Evaluated by Ken Wytsma, award-winning author of The Myth of Equality and Pursuing Justice.


Learning Humility: A Year of Searching for a Vanishing Virtue, By Richard J. FosterLearning Humility: A Year of Searching for a Vanishing Virtue by Richard J. Foster (IVP)

Not since the short work on Andrew Murray’s thoughts on humility has there been a book destined to be a classic focused on this oft-overlooked virtue. In Learning Humility, Foster organizes his yearlong thoughts around the Lakota calendar and delivers his reflections in short, personal, journal-style writings. His broad knowledge of a wide range of authors and their thoughts naturally flows through and accentuates this deeply personal work. Foster’s life experience, theological depth and commitment to spiritual disciplines makes this book not only highly readable, but profoundly life-changing.

Experiencing Friendship with God: How the Wilderness Draws Us to His Presence by Faith Eury Cho (WaterBrook)

This short and punchy book on experiencing God is full of powerful language and deep exploration of metaphor and meaning. Experiencing Friendship with God stands alongside Brother Lawrence’s The Practice of the Presence of God, while being more accessible and having greater theological depth. In many respects, this treatment of the messiness of life and the wilderness experience is a book everyone would grow from.



Nourishing Narratives: The Power of Story to Shape Our Faith by Jennifer L. Holberg (IVP Academic)

This book is a treatment on the power of words and story in helping us understand God’s creation and his plan in and through our lives. It comes from the life studies and teachings of a professor deeply focused on the intersection of art and faith, and is one of the more intellectually satisfying works on the power of stories to arrive in recent years.

Made to Belong: Five Practices for Cultivating Community in a Disconnected World by David Kim (Thomas Nelson)

Made to Belong is an easy-to-follow and graciously written plan for churches, communities and families looking to navigate the complexities of modern life and the distractions that keep us isolated from God, self, others and creation. Kim is from a new school of Christian writers who speak from and not at the younger generations while also naturally bringing in mental health themes that touch and define us all.



Evaluated by Thomas Bandy, director of Thriving Church Consulting and the author of more than 60 books and articles.


Called to Cultivate: A Gospel Vision for Women and WorkCalled to Cultivate: A Gospel Vision for Women and Work by Chelsea Patterson Sobolik (Moody Publishers)

Called to Cultivate offers solid biblical support and spiritual guidance for women in the workplace. Patterson Sobolik encourages women in leadership to seize opportunities, model Christian values, and address both the challenges and temptations found in the workplace. She coaches how to address gender and racial discrimination, and to lead with confidence.

Each chapter raises questions for reflection, suggests further reading, and provides relevant Scriptures for meditation. This very personal, approachable book is filled with rich content, not just a string of anecdotes. Called to Cultivate is a book for women who want to become more, achieve more and take a grace-filled approach to productivity. 



Evaluated by A.J. Swoboda, an associate professor of Bible and theology at Bushnell University; lead mentor for the Doctor of Ministry program on spiritual formation and soul care at Friends University; and the award-winning author of Subversive Sabbath.


9780310144502The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout: A Journey From Exhaustion to Wholeness by Sean Nemecek (Zondervan)

In this book, readers are introduced to a treasure trove of biblical, theological and practical insights to help them navigate the leader through self-care and revitalizing practice in a world of profound unhealthiness. In particular, it does a masterful job of integrating issues relating to mental, physical and emotional well-being—areas too often overlooked in Christian circles. At a time when pastoral burnout is seemingly on an ever-rising ascent, Nemecek offers a compelling and much-needed resource to reimagine that, indeed, there’s another more prophetic way to exist than the template the world offers. 



Evaluated by Russell St. Bernard.


Color-Courageous Discipleship Student Edition: Follow Jesus, Dismantle Racism and Build Beloved Community by Michelle T. Sanchez (WaterBrook)

Sanchez does an amazing job of helping students understand the importance of discipleship in relation to conversations on race. She walks readers through several stages of discipleship and how this discipleship is calling us from being colorblind to color courageous. Throughout the book are key facts of real racial issues, but looked at through a discipleship and race lens. This book is recommended for youth pastors, youth leaders and, of course, students who want to search for and build the beloved community.


9780310144311Her Story, Her Strength: 50 God-Empowered Women of the Bible by Sarah Parker Rubio (Zonderkidz)

This book highlights several women in the Bible in memorable and positive ways. Each woman is highlighted with her story, the world she lived in and her God, all accompanied by diverse, stunning images. This is a great book to help students learn more about the role of women in the Bible.




Evaluated by Russell St. Bernard, an Outreach magazine contributing editor; director of ministry operations at Kingdom Fellowship AME Church in Calverton, Maryland; and founder of After the Music Stops LLC and Ministry Pivot.


The King of Easter: Jesus Searches for All God’s Children written by Todd R. Hains, illustrated by Natasha Kennedy (Lexham Press)

This children’s book does a good job of showing children the point of the gospel message—that Jesus came to rescue us. The author takes young children through the stories of several notable people in the Bible, pointing out how Jesus saved them. This book keeps kids engaged with illustrations throughout that are colorful, diverse and great. Finally, key pages for parents as well as biblical highlights of characters featured in the book allow readers to study God’s Word more deeply.


The Things God Made: Explore God’s Creation Through the Bible, Science and Art by Andy McGuire (Zonderkidz)

This book does a commendable job of explaining the creation of the world and the things of the world from a biblical point of view. McGuire also walks young readers through the science of creation and explains how it links back to God.



Evaluated by Scot McKnight, author or editor of some 60 books and the Julius R. Mantey Chair of New Testament at Northern Seminary in Lisle, Illinois.


Why the Gospel?: Living the Good News of King Jesus with Purpose: Bates,  Matthew W., McKnight, Scot: 9780802881687: Amazon.com: BooksWhy the Gospel? Living the Good News of King Jesus With Purpose by Matthew W. Bates (Eerdmans)

So many gospel presentations and simple summaries present the gospel as escape from sin and the world and entrance into eternal life. Such gospels skip life now and head for the eternal prize. Why the Gospel? not only challenges such gospels, which is easy to do, but also sketches the divine purposes of the gospel for believers in the here and now.


As Bates has been writing for a decade, if Jesus is the King, then we are citizens of the kingdom created to live as kingdom people in the world as witnesses to the power of the gospel to transform lives.


Into the Heart of Romans: A Deep Dive Into Paul’s Greatest Letter by N.T. Wright (Zondervan Academic)

No New Testament text has had more influence in the history of the church than Romans. No chapter in Romans has had more influence than Romans 8. With the skill of a veteran student of the apostle Paul, Wright ushers us into Romans 8 and we, like the Pevensie children, enter into a Narnia-like experience.



Evaluated by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, founders of the marriage assessment SYMBIS.com and authors of Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.


9780310366478The Deepest Place: Suffering and the Formation of Hope by Curt Thompson (Zondervan)

According to Gallup, more than a third of the U.S. population reports suffering significant emotional distress at any given time. And it’s these beleaguered and sometimes shell-shocked folks that make their way to your church for help. Written by a physician, The Deepest Place reverberates with heartfelt compassion, clinical understanding and studied, biblical wisdom that will benefit pastors and other ministry leaders involved in counseling.

Hope Is the First Dose: A Treatment Plan for Recovering From Trauma, Tragedy and Other Massive Things by W. Lee Warren (WaterBrook)

Suffering. Trauma. Tragedy. These are the excruciating and unrelenting life-experiences that counselors and clergy wrestle routinely. Hope Is the First Dose will help you to help others transform their suffering and grief into hope and healing. It doesn’t promise to help anyone suffer less, only to suffer differently. And that makes all the difference.



Evaluated by Mark DeYmaz, an Outreach magazine columnist, who planted the Mosaic Church of Central Arkansas in 2001 where he continues to serve as Directional Leader. In 2004, he co-founded the Mosaix Global Network with Dr. George Yancey and today serves as its CEO/president and convener of the triennial Mosaix National Conference.


A Burning House: Redeeming American Evangelicalism by Examining Its History,  Mission, and Message: Washington, Brandon, Eric Mason: 9780310139393:  Amazon.com: BooksA Burning House: Redeeming American Evangelicalism by Examining Its History, Mission and Message by Brandon Washington (Zondervan Reflective)

At a time when (de)constructive critique of the church is fashionable, combative posturing is normative, and well-meaning idealists spend more time explaining what they’re against than they do effectively building something we can all be for, Washington refreshingly cuts through the noise with A Burning House.

Washington’s insights are thorough, timely and hopeful. He expresses an unapologetic commitment to Christ, the local church and the advancement of the gospel while not only recognizing repairs are needed, but also by providing blueprints for new construction. At a time when so many have lost hope, abandoned ship or are actively working against the very best of what evangelicalism can and should be in a society dominated by division, readers will appreciate his concise review of the subject, commitment to biblical theology as well as actionable insights, both historic and modern.


The Offensive Church: Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity by Bryan C. Loritts (IVP)

Informed, seasoned and practical wisdom calling pastors to step-up, disciple well and lead out in the proactive pursuit of building a healthy multiethnic church.

The Place We Make: Breaking the Legacy of Legalized Hate by Sarah L. Sanderson (WaterBrook)

A well-told, vulnerable and compelling story of one woman’s consideration of past injustice and what it means to become a repairer of the breach.

Lora Schrock
Lora Schrock

Lora Schrock is editor of Outreach magazine.

Missing Half the Gospel

Something essential is missing from the way we typically share the gospel.

5 Gold Mines of Sermon Illustrations

Illustrations also help the listener to understand your points, especially the more abstract or theological ones.

Speaking the Truth in Love (Even When It’s Awkward)

Speaking the truth will often cost you something, but it will cost you more if you don’t.