Joe McKeever

Joe McKeever spent 42 years pastoring six Southern Baptist churches and has been writing and cartooning for religious publications for more than 40 years.

Results May Vary

For the rest of your life, thank him for accepting someone like you–someone who deserved hell (yes, you do!), someone who brings nothing to qualify for heaven–into his eternal family.

What Does Shame Have to Do With Being Lukewarm?

Work around us, Lord, we seem to say. Not in us and through us. Self-defense mechanisms are all working overtime. If we would be or do anything for the Master, we must face and overcome this gremlin.

How Satan Prevents the Prayers of God’s People

As odd as it seems, the dark prince does not hesitate to speak the truth if it will make us think we shouldn’t pray.

Passionless Christianity

You can tell preaching that is only going-through-the-motions from the kind that originates in the heart, is inspired by the Spirit and driven by compassion.

Where Humanity Is Headed

Mankind has such capabilities and potential. However, he is always hampered by a dysfunctionality about himself: he is his own worst enemy.

Are We Living by Faith or Feelings?

Freeing your faith from the tyranny of emotions

What Did Satan Think of the First Christmas?

God is constantly handing the devil defeat after defeat. We see it in life, we observe it in the world about us, and we can see it demonstrated in Scripture time and again.

Church Is for Introverts, Too

Everyone is shy. Really. Even the most extrovert among us is at heart a shy individual who has to make himself/herself walk up to strangers and greet them.