Tag: evangelism

Missing Half the Gospel

Something essential is missing from the way we typically share the gospel.

What’s Missing When You Share the Gospel?

I have the entirety of God’s Word in my language and in my hands, and I can open any copy freely without threat to my life. I’m privileged to have God’s Word, to be able to read God’s Word, and to proclaim God’s Word.

9 Obstacles to Family and Friends Believing the Gospel

Why do people struggle to believe the good news?

What Is Your Nineveh?

God may not be sending you overseas to reach extremists, but he may be sending you to reach the "unreachable" in your sphere of influence.

What To Do When You Fail at Evangelism

As with anything in life, there will be times when we fail in evangelism. This is how we should respond.

Ed Stetzer: Evangelism Matters

If your church shows no burden for the unreached all around you, you have missed the commission of Jesus.

Prayer Is a Gateway to Evangelism

Paying attention to the needs around us can lead to opportunities that begin with prayer.

How Can We Overcome Our Fear of Evangelism?

We overcome our fear of evangelism, not by trying harder, but by cultivating a deeper love for Christ.