Power Prayers

Years ago, I learned to pray two powerful prayers in tandem: God, where are you working? and God, how can I join you? I instinctively turned to these two prayers both in times of crisis and in times of calm. Meditating on these questions often allowed the Holy Spirit to show me opportunities I had never seen before. Routinely, they led me to experience spiritual growth when I had plateaued in my spiritual maturity. I learned these prayers from the bestselling author of Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby, and they changed the direction of my life. Don’t wait for personal crisis to employ these power prayers. Take them before God now, and watch things begin to change.

God, where are you working? is a prayer of curiosity. It takes the focus off us and places God in the spotlight. As we open our spiritual eyes and survey where God may be at work around us, we also get to see God’s character. Seeing God at work will reveal his values, priorities, passions, and heartbeat for the world. Experiencing God’s character will inevitably change our character as we move toward him. As we begin to recognize his involvement in the here and now, our hearts will become more convinced of his desire to care for us and treat us with compassion.

God, how can I join you? is a prayer of connection that places us in a cooperative friendship with God, working with him to bring good into this world—even into our own souls. No longer will we be living our lives separate from God, hoping he will bless our own endeavors. Instead our actions will be intertwined with his, and we’ll live with a sense of purpose that is bigger than ourselves.

Little did I know that this simple prayer would lead me to a grueling and inspiring race, even in the depth of my season of suffering. Little did I know that I was being called to be an IRONMAN with incurable brain cancer.

You can begin your power praying with something like this:

God, where are you working? What are you up to?

Allow time to meditate, and let God’s Spirit direct your attention.

I want to see what you’re doing and who you are. God, I want to experience you. Show me your heart and transform my heart.

Slow down and enjoy God’s presence. Note how it feels to be united with God.

God, how can I join you? What can I offer? I want to cooperate with you. How can I cooperate? Show me what gifts and skills you have given me. It may not be much, but I want to be with you in your work. Give me wisdom to discern my calling in life.

Take a deep breath. You’re safe in God’s presence.

To be honest, joining you in your work is intimidating. I’m a bit scared. Remind my heart that you are with me. Give me courage and determination to do what you are calling me to do.

In the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

Continue praying in a similar way, uniquely crafting your prayer to address each situation you find yourself in. In both crisis and calm, regularly pray these power prayers. May they bring you the same peace, discernment, direction, clarity, resolve, and strength that they have brought me.

Excerpted from I Am Weak, I Am Strong by Jay Hewitt. Copyright © 2023 by Zondervan. Used by permission of Zondervan, www.Zondervan.com.

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