Don’t Try to Reinvent the Wheel this Christmas

I want to share some quick reminders for pastors during this Christmas season. You already know all of these, but sometimes we get so busy with all the season’s activities that we fail to do some of the more important things. If you are intentional, Christmas can be one of your church’s best momentum-building times of the year.

7 reminders for Christmas season planning:

Recruit new volunteers. 

You can onboard people more easily during the Christmas season. Much like Easter, especially with vision-casting, church members will understand the need for new volunteers during a busier season. Use this as an advantage to get more people into key roles, but also as a discipleship tool knowing that people who serve are in a better position to be growing personally. 

Ask members to sacrifice. 

Christmas affords you a unique opportunity to ask your most committed people to serve in ways they may not otherwise. It is important to be fully staffed from the parking lot to the baby room. You will need extra greeters. People need to be willing to give up “their” seats for visitors. I personally believe you should always be thinking about your guests every Sunday. You should plan every detail you possibly can for them to experience excellence. In times where there are more visitors, this is even more important. 

Pastors, this is an excellent time to vision-cast about the guest experience you want to create. Make it a big deal, because it is a big deal.

Let the story be the story. 

As a pastor, I feel the pressure of the Christmas message. The fact that it is so well known and a part of the culture only adds to the pressure. My best advice is don’t try to find a new twist you’ve never shared. People watch Rudolph and Charlie Brown Christmas every year for a reason. “It’s a Wonderful Life” never gets old for some and Elf for others.

The story of a baby, born to a Virgin, and laid in a manger is timeless. You don’t have to find something new. 

Share the Gospel

Hopefully, you don’t need that reminder, but with all the attention on the lights and tinsel, don’t forget to share the most important message of the year. A Savior has been born. He is Christ the Lord.

Share about the New Year. 

Find creative ways to talk about some of the things happening at your church; especially as you head into the new year. Help people understand the value regular church engagement offers them and their families. I always like for the information we hand out to be unique from a regular bulletin. It’s nice if what people receive is big-picture information about the church and our ministries at Christmas (and Easter). Visitors are more likely to read what you give them. 

Try to anticipate questions they may ask and answer them in what you hand to them. 

Sing Christmas music. 

This was somewhat of a pet peeve of mine. I’m sure our worship team feels my pressure here. But this is the time to sing Christmas music.

I am not musical and have been told Christmas arrangements can be harder to put together and rehearse. This is not my area of expertise. I do know that culture actually helps us with this one. Where else can people sing Christmas music they know? They may actually sing Christmas carols they have known all their lives louder than any other time of year. Give them the opportunity even if it is simply a Christmas medley of favorites with little or no accompaniment. 

Plan good follow-up.

If someone visits your church and takes time to give you information about them, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. The greatest return for visiting a church is often in the quality of the follow-up after the service. People should hear from you. 

I personally like to give people options of how they want to be contacted and then obey their wishes. If they want a visit, someone needs to visit. But if they only want an email, then I would comply with their choice. But definitely let them know how much you appreciate them coming to your church.

I pray as you prepare to meet people this Christmas that the joy of Christmas would be in your own heart and family. 

Merry Christmas!

Read more from Ron Edmondson »

This article originally appeared on and is reposted here by permission.

Ron Edmondson
Ron Edmondson

Ron Edmondson is the pastor of Immanuel Baptist Church in Lexington, Kentucky. He revitalized two churches and planted two more.

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