Peyton Jones: Church Plantology

Church Plantology: The Art and Science of Planting Churches
(Zondervan, 2021)

WHO: Peyton Jones, master church planting trainer for the North American Mission Board and cohost of Church Planter Podcast.

HE SAYS: “We are not called to plant churches, but to make disciples.”

THE BIG IDEA: This book combines the latest research, apostolic principles and biblical wisdom with church history to best practices to equip readers to plant churches.

THE PROGRESSION: In 10 two-chapter sections the author examines a wide variety of church planting methods and ideologies in contemporary pastoral practice and outlines a biblical model based on the New Testament.

“In order to reach a post-Christian world with the gospel, we must study how the pre-Christian churched reached theirs.”

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Peyton Jones
Peyton Jones

Peyton Jones is content director of Exponential and an author, church planter, leadership trainer, podcaster and writer. He also founded New Breed Church Planting Network which continues to train front-line first century style apostolic church planters.

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