The Power of Seeking Justice Together

When We Stand: The Power of Seeking Justice Together
(IVP, 2021)

WHO: Terence Lester, a speaker, activist, author and thought leader in the realm of systemic poverty. He’s known for nationwide campaigns that bring awareness to issues surrounding homelessness, poverty and economic inequality.

HE SAYS: “Your work and your contributions matter and are even more profound when they’re paired with the contributions of others in a spirit of community.”

THE BIG IDEA: By using our gifts in collaboration with others, we can do more together to combat injustice than we ever could on our own.

THE PROGRESSION: In 10 chapters, the author looks at the obstacles that prevent people from getting involved in fighting injustice, then offers practical ways to accomplish things together as groups, families, churches and communities. He helps readers find their place in the larger picture, discerning unique ways to contribute and make a difference.

“The world needs us to be moved by injustice, both emotionally and physically.”

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Terence Lester
Terence Lester

Terence Lester is a speaker, activist, author and thought leader in the realm of systemic poverty. He is founder of Love Beyond Walls, a nonprofit focused on poverty awareness and community mobilization.

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