♥ Provide free childcare for parents, affording them a romantic date night.
♥ During your service, recognize those whose spouses—their valentines—are serving in the military overseas (consider a small gift, e.g. coffee gift card).
♥ Enlist your children’s ministry to make and decorate valentines for people in a nearby senior living facility—kids in your older grades can deliver the valentines in person.
♥ Set up a table stacked with valentine note cards and pre-stamped envelopes.
♥ During your service, invite everyone to stop by the table before leaving to write a brief note to someone in their life who may need encouragement. (Provide stamps and a mail drop.)
♥ Provide your small groups with chocolate candy kisses affixed with a brief Happy Valentine’s Day note, Scripture verse and church information. Encourage the groups to pass them out at a unique location in your community—hospital, homeless shelter, grocery store, etc.—and invite people to your services.