Now in its 17th year, the 2020 Outreach Resources of the Year honors the past year’s best books that emphasize outreach-oriented ideas and ministries.
The cross-cultural and missional category was evaluated by Robert Gallagher, director and professor of intercultural studies at Wheaton College Graduate School. He co-authored Encountering the History of Missions and Breaking Through the Boundaries.
Christian Mission: A Concise Global History by Edward L. Smither (Lexham)
This notable book brings history to life in a way that is amiable—effortlessly explaining global mission history without condescension—tackling challenging issues such as mission in the Protestant Reformation, all framed within political and social contexts that use vivid imagery of key people and strategies.
Global Arts and Christian Witness: Exegeting Culture, Translating the Message, and Communicating Christ by Roberta R. King (Baker)
In this surprising, sweeping and deeply researched message on the importance of engaging creative arts in ministry, King brings together a rich portrait of how to encounter Christ and engage people for Christ through global arts.
Teaching Across Cultures: Contextualizing Education for Global Mission by James E. Plueddemann (IVP)
Written in a revelatory style, this title offers a wide-ranging exploration of the way a successful communicator combines knowledge with an awareness of culture and student experience to cross barriers for effective teaching.
Additional cross-cultural resources are available at