Christine Colón: Choosing Community

Choosing Community: Action, Faith and Joy in the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers
(IVP, 2019)

WHO: Christine Colón, professor of English at Wheaton College.

SHE SAYS: “The precise balance of Christian community, which requires both upholding the centering truth of doctrine and supporting the other members, is always in danger of toppling without constant care and attention.”

THE BIG IDEA: This book explores the role of community in Dorothy L. Sayers’ works, particularly in how Sayers offers a vision of communities called to action, faith and joy, and how we also are called to live in community together.

Divided into three sections, “Dorothy L. Sayers’ Vision for Communities of Action,” “… of Faith,” and “… of Joy,” this book offers reasoned essays by the author followed by responses by knowledgeable experts.

“We can’t flourish as human beings outside of our belonging to good communities, places where we are known and valued.”

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Christine Colón
Christine Colón

Christine Colón is professor of English at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.

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