Bill Blacquiere and Kris Faasse: Called to Care

Called to Care: Opening Your Heart to Vulnerable Children—Through Foster Care, Adoption, and Other Life-Giving Ways
(Bethany House, 2019)

WHO: Bill Blacquiere, former CEO of Bethany Christian Services, and Kris Faasse, senior VP of clinical operations for Bethany Christian Services.

THEY SAY: “Caring for vulnerable children is a job for individuals, families, churches, and whole communities.”

THE BIG IDEA: This handbook helps people who are considering foster care or adoption to examine their motives. It also includes information on what foster care and adoption really look like.

Part 1, “Examining the Call to Care,” describes the biblical call, how answering it differs for everyone, and how we can best prepare before we answer. Part 2, “Exploring Foster Care and Adoption,” explains these two traditional options for caring and their many forms.
Part 3, “Embracing Family Preservation,” outlines actions and programs the help both families of origin and newly formed families stay together. Part 4, “Enriching Family Ties,” examines how we all can make a difference in the health of a family.

“God calls all his followers to be part of the worldwide effort to help vulnerable children find safe and loving homes, to help them heal from their hurts and traumas, and to assist the families and professionals in their lives.”

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Bill Blacquiere and Kris Faasse
Bill Blacquiere and Kris Faasse

Bill Blacquiere is former CEO of Bethany Christian Services

Kris Faasse is senior VP of clinical operations for Bethany Christian Services.

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