Palau: A Life on Fire

Palau: A Life on Fire
(Zondervan, 2019)

WHO: Luis Palau, evangelist, author and founder of the Luis Palau Association.

HE SAYS: “I want you to feel that you have gotten to know me—the unfiltered me—and to know Jesus through my story.”

THE BIG IDEA: This spiritual memoir details the life of Luis Palau by looking at the people who had the biggest influence on him.

Unlike other memoirs, this book examines Luis Palau’s life from the perspective of those people who have influenced him. A chapter is dedicated to his mother, his father, his wife, Billy Graham and many more. Luis shares many foundational lessons that he learned along the way to challenge readers’ faith. He also consistently points to the good news of Jesus as being the answer.

“A life on fire, after all, is a life well spent. My life has been spent for the gospel.”

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Luis Palau
Luis Palau

Luis Palau and his ministry have shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with tens of millions of people through evangelistic events and media over the past 50 years. He has spoken in 75 countries with more than 1 million registered decisions for Jesus Christ. He has authored close to 50 books, contributed articles on issues of faith to countless publications, and counseled business leaders, political leaders, and heads of state around the world.

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