Church Planting

Finding a Better Facility for Your Church Plant

Creative solutions to the conundrum that faces every new church

4 Benefits of Planting a Church With New Believers

What you gain when you don’t overlook new converts.

Multisite Campus Handbook and Best Practices

The one church-multiple locations concept has seen many expressions throughout church history as church leaders adapted to changing cultural realities and leveraged technological advances.

Bivocational Pastor: The Strategic Future

Leaders discuss the rewards and challenges of being bivocational and the role that status will play in future church growth.

Igniting a Culture of Multiplication

"Are you willing to plant your first church before building or buying your first building?"

Church Plant: Survive, Succeed, Thrive

Predictors and practices for church plant success

Have Churches Forgotten How to Reproduce?

Ed Stetzer: Everyone is talking reproduction, but not enough churches are having babies.

Dan Kimball: Reflections on Church Plant Year 10

"Church planting made me think through my own sense of identity. Did I base my worth as a leader on the size of my ministry?

The Role of Preaching in Church Planting

Brandon Cox: "Don’t neglect the power of preaching, even in a brand new church plant."

Field of Dreams: What It Means to Plant the Church

Risks, regrets and revelations: Veteran church planters talk about starting a new church from scratch.

The Epic Adventure of Gospel Multiplication

“We are instruments in the hand of God to see all things reconciled to God through Christ.”