
How Can the Local Church Care for Orphans Globally?

Though orphanages play a key role, we must work to reintegrate orphans into families.

The Danger of Putting Missionaries on a Pedestal

Creating a hierarchy of missions hurts the body of Christ in several ways.

3 Ways We Unintentionally ‘Play God’ in Missions

Why our best intentions in serving overseas don’t always bear good fruit.

The Crossroads of Outreach and Immigration

When it comes to illegal immigration, should we build a bigger fence or cultivate more compassion?

How Churches Can Respond to the Persecution of Christians

There are many ways we can stand with our persecuted brothers and sisters.

Are Real Partnerships in Global Missions Possible?

“For effective North American-global partnerships to exist, we need to revise our paradigms, or the ways we look at things.”

Pursuing God’s Dream of Restoration

“The dream of God is not merely a future reality. It is a reality that we can taste, touch, feel and live today if only we would reach for it together.”

Christine Caine: Rescue the One

“There are so many who need rescuers ... . Each of them is God’s missing treasure.”