
20th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year: Missional and Cross-Cultural

In Virtuous Persuasion, Michael Niebauer delves deep into the basic questions of the mission of God, connecting it to the life we live. He argues that missio Dei, church planting and dialogue fail to provide adequate thinking on human morality.

Jesus at the Center

Who is informing your view of immigrants and people of other faiths?

Mi Gente

Excerpted From Abuelita Faith

Developing Competencies in Reconciliation

Today's globalized world requires that the church become competent in different areas of reconciliation.

Al Tizon: Whole and Reconciled

Gospel, Church and Mission in a Fractured World

Short-Term Missions Workbook

Tim Dearborn: From Mission Tourists to Global Citizens

8 Great Questions to Refocus Your Thinking About Short-Term Missions

These pivotal and challenging questions will help you think about what God is trying to teach you through short-term missions.

Expanding Your Missional Engagement

The strategy of Christian mission has changed a great deal over my lifetime, but the charge remains the same.

Mapping Church Missions

Sharon Hoover: A Compass for Ministry Strategy

How Mission Trips Change Us

God can use the cross-cultural experiences he's given you to continue to shape you. Here's how.

How Should We Respond to Globalization?

The world is changing fast. Are we being mindful about whether the world is looking more like God intended?