Christian Living

Love Is (Not) a Mirror

How can we know what love is when we’re acting (falsely) like we know ourselves? But if we don’t know ourselves, where would we begin?

The Healing Power of Forgiveness

When we choose to forgive, we let go of our right to get even and we allow God to take over. We let go of our bitterness. We let go of our resentment.

What Is Gratitude, Really?

Gratitude is not just a periodic sense of being blessed and indebted. Grateful people are inclined to feel gratitude most of the time.

Judas Isn’t the Enemy

Forgive what you can in the moment. When God makes something right, there is true restoration, healing, forgiveness, and change.

There’s a New Sheriff in Town

The good guy is you, FYI. This is a duel to the death between your inner self and this intruder, this outlaw, who is trying to under-mine the person you want to be. Either you face your issues and come out victorious, or you run away and hide.

Acceptance Is Critical

I was dumbfounded. Could it be true? Could my experience two weeks earlier have prepped my heart and mind for what God had in store?

Life Includes a Great Deal of Suffering

You may never experience long-term, intense depression or anxiety, but there will very likely be a period of your life when you feel something similar, as if you are a ghost haunting your own life.

Begin With What You’ve Been Given

We all like the idea of a stronger, slimmer body, or becoming proficient in a skill, or building more effective habits for more sustained productivity. But no transformation happens without starting the painful work of exercising what’s weak and staying with it until it grows stronger.

The Refresh Generation

Quiet spaces in our lives are sacred. We need to treat them as such. It’s like letting your mind enter a wide-open meadow to explore instead of keeping it wedged into the confines of your phone.

The Attitude of Gratitude

If you want to move from languishing to flourishing, there are no easy answers. And there are no quick fixes. But this I know for sure: You won’t get there without gratitude.

Jesus’ Love for Deniers

Beloved, the level of your devotion isn’t what makes God faithful to you or makes Him keep loving you. He is and always will be a faithful God to His people. This issue is never first our love for Christ, but rather His love for us. His love causes love.