3 Super Bowl Outreach Ideas

Super Bowl Sunday is almost upon us, and there is no reason your Bible-teaching ministry or Bible-study group should not make the most of this national event. Here are three ways you can take advantage of Super Bowl Sunday, using it to give “lift” to your Bible-teaching ministry.

1. Rename it “SuperGoal Sunday” and have a high-attendance day.

January church attendance can be challenging (especially if your part of the country experiences frigid temperatures and wintry weather). Setting a high-attendance goal (hence the name “SuperGoal Sunday”) gives churches and groups something to shoot for early in the new year. And a high-attendance goal on this special day of the year can be fun—people can wear the jerseys of their favorite teams, the sermon can be crafted to include references to football, and decorating in a football theme is easy (every party-supply store will carry lots of football-themed merchandise that is economical and can be reused next year). This is simply another way to reinforce the importance of being connected to a “team” (a Bible-study group).

2. Encourage groups to host Super Bowl fellowships.

Many churches already do this, but because they’ve done it for a long time, “Super Bowl fatigue” sets in and groups often are increasingly resistant to hosting parties on this night. Constantly remind people why you’re asking them to host a party: to help new people connect to a group, to allow “associate members” (those who teach a kid or student group) to have adult fellowship time with your group and to give everyone else in the group a chance to hang out and deepen friendships. It’s not about watching the game per se. To help younger families, the church will need to provide childcare, or childcare vouchers, to families with kids through sixth grade.

3. Host a tailgate party right after church.

While the church meets for Bible study and worship, servant leaders can set aside a section of the parking lot, back up their trucks, and grill hotdogs and burgers. When the church dismisses, lunch is ready. Ask Bible-study groups to provide the side dishes and/or drinks. The church can provide the meats, plates and utensils. Simply ask families to bring a lawn chair and enjoy the free meal. Of course, your part of the country may be extremely cold, so consider moving the eating inside to a fellowship hall, foyer or classrooms. What goes better with football than a good tailgating event?

Find more winter outreach ideas »

Ken Braddy is the manager of adult ongoing Bible studies at LifeWay Christian Resources. He blogs about small groups and Bible studies at KenBraddy.com.

Ken Braddy
Ken Braddyhttps://kenbraddy.com/

Ken Braddy is LifeWay’s director of Sunday school and manager of adult ongoing Bible studies. He blogs regularly about Sunday school and groups at kenbraddy.com.

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