
Missing Half the Gospel

Something essential is missing from the way we typically share the gospel.

What’s Missing When You Share the Gospel?

I have the entirety of God’s Word in my language and in my hands, and I can open any copy freely without threat to my life. I’m privileged to have God’s Word, to be able to read God’s Word, and to proclaim God’s Word.

How to Teach Your Kids to Live Missionally

Instructing, guiding and releasing our children to participate in God’s global work.

3 Reasons to Be Bold in Sharing the Gospel

Jesus accomplished more than simply our salvation on the cross.

Unleash Your Youth Group

If you want to get serious about reaching your city for Christ, then you must get serious about reaching the young.

How We Make the Message Relatable

Share your faith in an understanding and accessible way through relationships with others.

Prayer Is a Gateway to Evangelism

Paying attention to the needs around us can lead to opportunities that begin with prayer.

Tell the Old, Old Story Again This Year

Preach it to yourself and preach it to others. Preach it to the Christian and non-Christian, to the one who has believed for decades and to the one that is still considering.

How Can We Overcome Our Fear of Evangelism?

We overcome our fear of evangelism, not by trying harder, but by cultivating a deeper love for Christ.

What Do the First Two Commandments Really Look Like?

Love God. Love others.

How to Boldly—and Gently—Reach Our Culture

We must be “gentle aggressors” who do not wait for people to come to us, but go to them with the gospel.