
Public Christianity in a Post-Christian World

Evangelizing in a post-Christian setting is scarier—and more fun—than you might imagine. Here are four books that will help guide you.

Stay Grounded in God’s Word

we don’t have to walk through life blindly. We have a roadmap to help us navigate so we don’t get lost. It’s the Word of God, which we’ve been taught.

Suspicious Outsiders

Over the course of almost two centuries, Christians had grown accustomed to playing the role of scapegoats. For Christians of Tertullian’s generation, there was every reason to believe it would always be like this.

Choosing Hope in the Midst of Despair

Stories are key to saving us from ourselves.

Paul S. Williams: Exiles on Mission

Being the church when we feel alienated from culture.

Melissa Rogers: Faith in American Public Life

Exploring the role of religion in the public square.

Religion and Government

Where does faith fit in American public policy?

David Kinnaman and Mark Matlock: Faith for Exiles

5 Ways for a New Generation to Follow Jesus in Digital Babylon

Understanding Our Digital Babylon

Screens disciple. We must be aware of the ways the digital revolution is assimilating us to our culture.

The Paleo-Baptist Option

An alternative to the Benedict Option for navigating post-Christian America.