
Spiritual Disciples

Like so many I know and love, I can easily imagine how my path into the void could have led somewhere other than here, back home.

Mike Cosper

Under the noise of storms and heat of fires was the whisper of God, and that in the distance beyond us is always a remnant.

Your One-Word Goal

We’re pre-deciding to be faithful because we will never be faithful by accident. You may have a fluke day of faithfulness, but no one is faithful day after day after day without great intentionality.

Servant-Leaders Are Distinguished by What They Serve

s true servant-leaders, our declaration of the gospel is not meant to draw attention to ourselves, to gain followers, to impress others, to entertain, to promote an agenda, to spotlight our giftedness, or to stand on our favorite soapboxes.

Make Good Use of Your High-Capacity Volunteers

If we in ministry are handing high-capacity volunteers low-end jobs, no wonder they don’t feel fulfilled.

What We Learned From Changing Up Our Coffee Area

With a set of hodge-podge furniture, the space began to feel different. No longer were people taking their coffee and running, but they began to sit down and have conversations that would begin to bring people together.

Tending to the Roots

People want to experience God, so Radiant has extended its worship sets a bit and left space for more moments of reflection to let people sense God’s presence.

Could the Rise of the Nones Be Over?

Some research organizations have seen a leveling off of the growth in religiously unaffiliated Americans.

Mosaix Institute Hosts Church Economics Summit

Trained in theology and pastoral ministry, few church leaders understand the economics of churches, and fewer can navigate the increasingly complex financial issues facing a 21st-century pastor.

The Heart of the Bible

The cross is the axis upon which the biblical story turns. Who is God? God is the one who was crucified between two criminals on Good Friday.

Brian Zahnd

I want to muse on the deep mystery of the cross.