
Start With Serving

We’re very intentional about providing quality opportunities for people to serve and to make a difference in our community. Through that we have a lot of success in getting new people connected to the life of the church.

Unleash Your Youth Group

If you want to get serious about reaching your city for Christ, then you must get serious about reaching the young.

Free Easter Guidebook Available for Download

Easter Playbook is a short PDF that offers a wealth of ideas and information about reaching your community, welcoming guests, and keeping them engaged with your church.

The Mystery of God Becoming a Man

How the wonder of the incarnation gives us encouragement and strength

The Perks of Seniority

Greater St. John has seen a 70% increase in senior participation since COVID-19.

What Did Satan Think of the First Christmas?

God is constantly handing the devil defeat after defeat. We see it in life, we observe it in the world about us, and we can see it demonstrated in Scripture time and again.

Christmas Reminds Us of Our Deepest Longings

The Christmas story teaches us that God understands our own stories. During this season, we celebrate the coming of our Savior and King.

Don’t Try to Reinvent the Wheel this Christmas

Christmas can be one of your church’s best momentum-building times of the year.

Mary Had a Voice

As we enter the holiday season and once again take the opportunity to contemplate the coming of Christ, may I encourage you to listen to the spoken words of Mary recorded in the Bible.

3 Ways to Create a Welcoming Environment for Visitors

How do you welcome people who feel like outsiders?

Rediscovering the Living Hope of Advent

What does it mean to be born to a living hope?